
SFMA’s call for presentations deadline is approaching

Do you have athletic surface research, innovative practices, or hot topics to share with sports field managers and industry experts from around the world?  SFMA is accepting presentations for the 2021 SFMA Conference in Palm Springs, Calif.

Here are three reasons you should submit a proposal this year:

1) This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences with your peers.

2) Flexible formats allow you to present a hands-on workshop, traditional lecture, interactive audience discussion, or Q&A panel.

3) Challenge yourself and attendees to find solutions to issues facing the sports field management industry.

Submit your presentation here.

Please complete and submit all required materials listed in the online form by the March 27, 2020 deadline. For more information, visit the SFMA Conference website. Please contact SFMA at kalthouse@stma.org if you have any questions about presenting or about the online form.