
SFMA Conference Keynote Presenter

The Keynote presenter for SFMA’s 2021 Conference and Exhibition will be Pete Smith, one of America’s leading personal and professional development coaches.  He will be presenting “Dare to Matter: How Sports Field Professionals Rise to Significance.”

2020 has forced us, willingly or not, to become adaptable, stay hopeful, and remain diligent in fulfilling our commitments. This year has made some question their desires, reevaluate their motivators, and become more resourceful than ever.

Those who have been successful have done so because they’ve been able to answer one simple question: What’s the Point?

Society claims that success and happiness should be our most desired end goals. Yet even prior to the COVID quarantine, people were recognizing higher levels of success but felt more isolated, disconnected, and unfulfilled than even before. During the quarantine, people have re-evaluated what they’ve always known deep down: that what they truly desire is to know with certainty is that who they are and what they do matters.

A common question in the mind of every person is this: Where do I go from here? This keynote answers that question.

Success is good. Significance is best. It’s time for you to Matter More.

Surviving a stroke at an early age, and after years of research, interviews, trainings, and observation, Pete Smith reveals the Significance framework outlined in his best-selling book, Dare to Matter. This framework reveals the six major pillars of significance and how they can be incorporated into our daily lives.

You don’t need to survive a stroke to learn how to live a significant life. You just get the benefit of gaining the insight from someone who has.

At the conclusion of this presentation, the attendees will:

  • Increase ownership, accountability, and responsibility of self and others
  • Implement a behavioral model that builds trust, impacts hiring, and strengthens relationships
  • Identify why “guts and grind” are keys to success in calm and chaos