
Purdue Survey

A research team at Purdue University invites you to participate in the Purdue Sod Project. Our survey will help us better understand your preferences for sod. Your answers are very important because they will help us identify future research to help support the turfgrass industry.

The questionnaire is easy to complete, and should require 30 minutes of your time. If for any reason you wish to pause in responding, you may use the link provided below to resume later.

Use the following link to access the survey: https://bit.ly/purduesod

Your answers are strictly confidential and anonymous. If for some reason you think the survey should be filled by someone else in your company, please feel free to forward this email.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me to: Dr. Ariana Torres; Assistant Professor and Marketing Specialist; telephone: 765-494-8781; email: torres2@purdue.edu.